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What is self-care? We hear about it all the time, but do we know what it means and how to use it in our lives? Self-care is sometimes misrepresented as just bubble baths and scented candles (don’t get us wrong, we love a nice hot bath!) But self-care is crucial for a healthy, thriving life because it’s all about simple habits. Incorporate some of these ideas into your existing routine, and you can start to see a positive impact today! 

- Boost your favourite meals with a fresh salad or fruit smoothie.

- Keep a water bottle beside you throughout the day to stay hydrated.

- Utilize your phone’s downtime or bedtime functions to help you wind down at night.

- Reach out with a call or text to a trusted friend when you feel overwhelmed or anxious.

- Step outside for some fresh air. Just five minutes on your balcony or a 15 minute walk.   

Self-care doesn’t have to be flashy or fancy, and it isn’t always exciting! But it will help you work towards a healthier life – emotionally, physically, socially, and spiritually. Self-care can feel harder during a pandemic and lockdowns, because so much in life requires more energy than normal. But it shouldn’t be a burden, so always start small. 

And remember: you can always reach out to us at mosaicHouse as part of your self-care. We’re here to listen, encourage, connect, and pray with you. Follow the link in our bio and click “CONNECT” at the top of our website. Or send us a DM on Instagram – we’d love to chat!  


Kim about 4 years ago

Love the practical tips! thx!

Andrea about 4 years ago

What a great idea about having a water bottle beside you- I always forget to drink enough water!

Victor about 4 years ago

Love it, Hannah!
I began calisthetics during the pandemic in my basement. [My buddy Ryan defines calisthetics as "prison-workout."]. No matter what you call it, these excercises really boosted my self-care in the last 11 months!

Anne Vander Hoek about 4 years ago

Love the article! I have really made a point of getting outside for walks in nature, even when it's cold! That does a lot for my soul.

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