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We kick off a series of messages "Iconic Summer – The Lessons from the Icons of the Old Testament". This is going to be an exciting series for several reasons. 

First, the aim of this series is to grow this summer in our understanding of the Bible. My prayer is that the messages you're going to hear in this series will stimulate you to open your Bible more. I hope what you hear stimulates you to study some of the ICONS that we're going to be looking at even more deeply on your own. So bring your Bibles to church and even more importantly open your Bible on your own this summer. 

So, you're wondering, what is this series all about? Well, if you open a Bible and just start reading it, you'll soon discover that certain ordinary objects mentioned in the Bible come back over and over again and begin to take on meaning beyond their ordinary definition. Objects such as "mountain", "lamb", "tree",  and many, many more. As the Biblical story unfolds, these images get FILLED UP with meaning, so to speak. In each of the weeks of this series, we're going to look at one of these objects or icons and trace the deeper meaning they now carry.

Now, the obvious question is WHY. Well, listen, beyond simply increasing your Biblical vocabulary or head knowledge, can I suggest  to you that part of why God orchestrated and inspired the Bible to be written in this fashion is because God wants to reveal himself and the redemptive work that He is doing in human history in a multiplicity of different ways. God wants you to see Himself, the redemptive work of Jesus and transforming power of the Holy Spirit EVERYWHERE! 

And here's what happens. As our imaginations get reshaped by the Biblical witness, then any moment, EVERY moment becomes an opportunity to experience God and to worship. I pick up a rock and we don't just see a rock, but rather a testimony to the faithfulness of God. I sit our a fire and I don't just see the flame, but a powerful reminder of holiness of God and the cleansing work of the Holy Spirit. I listen to a bird and I don't just hear it's voice, but I hear the voice of God declaring to me my value in God's eyes. Are you with me?